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I EAT SUGAR and my brain loves me for it...

 T he Glycaemic Index was always a “ HELL YEAH ” food moment for me – it has never been a “ NO ”. (You can read more about...

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

The steps YOU took to get HERE are not the same steps you'll need to take to get THERE...

I remember those first steps.

"Footprint in the sand" courtesy of  Ron Almog http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/
WOW, they are very different to the steps I have needed to take, to get me here, EXCEPT, the intention behind them has never waivered.

My intention was to prove my hypothesis (to come) and keep on talking and talking until listening was going to be your best option.

Well the talking and talking bit hasn't changed, I've just added in writing and writing  and here YOU are. Thanks for dropping by.

My hypothesis, way back when - about 15 years ago...

"Low GI is for everyone, not just those with diabetes".
  • Type 2 diabetes  is a lifestyle related condition, causing your pancreas to release not enough or poor quality insulin and
  • Those with type 2 can modify their lifestyles (including a low GI life) with a good chance of reversing their symptoms and the effects.
So ...
  • There's a good chance those lifestyle changes (including a low GI life) would be of great benefit to us all, especially with weight and related chronic health issues being so concerning.
Now, I haven't had the benefit of scientific laboratories and teams of lab technicians behind me. 
I do have all my senses and a very inquisitive mind and with those, I got started on the low GI life - research, practice and investigation.
I'm pretty happy to say and see my hypothesis has lots and lots of evidence based research to support it now, including my anecdotal research. My cooking, my philosophy and the person I am.
What are those lifestyle changes? They are the elements of Living the Low GI Life -
  1. Eat the low GI way
  2. Get up and move

These WILL lead to...

     3. Being a healthy weight
The Human Comedy Mask by Ernest Christophe courtesy of sfmission.com http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/

I believe passionately about the validity of low GI-ing in the world, over and above FADs with no facts, one foot follows the other with both rhyme and reason, ALL THE TIME.

From the moment I was introduced to GI-ing, with the chance purchase of a book for my workplace, on the Glycaemic Index, I was smitten.

In my next post I want share with you my

8 Pillars of Living the Low GI Slow Sugar Life
My lower GI eating formula to start slowing digestion and de-fatifying your body

                                                                                                  Low Gi-ing, no denying


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